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^ #18376 2023-01-11 16:06:33

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,598

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

idk bro but she was sure as fuck hacked

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #18377 2023-01-11 18:57:08

From: World of Grey
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,991

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

You guys should stop getting hacked



^ #18378 2023-01-12 03:10:48

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Khelly wrote:
Pirtelö wrote:
abraker wrote:


so how was that game they asked u to try man?
I almost fell for it but plakkis saved me by telling me I'm a bit richarded

I did because the account that messaged me was taken from someone who used to ACTUALLY have me test games for him back in the past. If it came from anyone else I wouldn't have fallen for it. I should have known since it was just a .exe, but I've played some legit games that were actually just .exes so that didn't get me either.

Pretty much how got baited too. They got really lucky with the friend they chose



^ #18379 2023-01-13 06:44:36

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,598

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

How far did you have to go with securing your data afterwards?

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #18380 2023-01-15 06:57:55

IppE's Wife
From: Хуйжопенск
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,704

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

It's my favourite day today.

Hidden text



^ #18381 2023-01-17 23:19:25

Cash Money
From: Germany, Kebabland
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,003

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Congrats on tiddy juice.

Life is like a box of chocolates. But theres no candies in there for you.


^ #18382 2023-01-18 12:23:33

IppE's Wife
From: Хуйжопенск
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,704

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Apparently I've had a lot of growth for my timeframe. It doesn't feel like much, but if I run around shirtless it feels like they're going to fall off. I had to use my arms to hold it.


^ #18383 2023-01-18 15:43:49

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,598

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

mmm be careful with your new pair of tiddies. Running and jumping around without proper support could really hurt them and create inner rips and scars.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #18384 2023-01-18 16:56:58

From: World of Grey
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,991

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Bitty physics.



^ #18385 2023-01-19 13:01:50

IppE's Wife
From: Хуйжопенск
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,704

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Pirtelö wrote:

mmm be careful with your new pair of tiddies. Running and jumping around without proper support could really hurt them and create inner rips and scars.

What the fuck so I was right to feel worried. Very concerning...


^ #18386 2023-01-20 13:36:17

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,598

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

being born to a religious/traditional family is probably one of the worst scenarios life can deal you

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #18387 2023-01-20 13:51:48

IppE's Wife
From: Хуйжопенск
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,704

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Did something happen, bun? I know you're one of G-d's chosen people...


^ #18388 2023-01-20 15:20:31

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,598

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Nothing in particular, no, just a random thought that crossed my mind since lately I've been mentally occupied with processing the fact I'm fucking out of God's Chosen People[tm]'s country.
To put my thoughts mildly, people who are too traditional or religious simply lack rationale and often enough their moral compass is absolutely fucked despite claiming how being religious/following religion makes you a more humble person.
The majority of them that I've met are some of the least benevolent and compassionate people I've met, justifying cruel deeds with some bullshit mental gymnastics about God being "all forgiving and seeing" or whatever. They'd go immense lengths to justify straight up abusive and neglecting behavior with all kinds of made up reasoning. It's almost impossible to discuss anything complex with them without them immediately dumping what they cannot handle emotionally upon the Big Dude In The Sky. Some people will argue how religion and tradition are not the same thing, which is true, but they too often go hand in hand to ignore. And if you look at the pros and cons, the cons are far too great for the pros to outweight.
My choice to leave this country has set the image of me being a deserter, a person who has lost the sight of the right path, a person who will be eventually exiled and shunned, especially due to my reasoning of marrying someone who isn't Jewish nor will be at any point. While my family isn't that orthodox, it is orthodox enough to constantly pester me about remaining "committed" to my Jewish roots, or to ask my future-husband to become Jewish or at least well versed in Judaism, and they ultimately hope that if those conditions can't be met, then I should fail. The most common sentences thrown at Jewish Israeli people migrating to other places is - "you'll come crawling back in a year, you will miss home, you don't know how good you have it here", if your family is somewhat Orthodox, then you can add a sprinkle of religious bullshit. I've been marked by my family as a sinner, and they're sure as fuck "masking" (badly) it when they meet me, but I have been getting numerous phone calls from organizations that help "Jewish girls out of improper relationships". It could be no one else but my family members doing this shit, and I honestly wish that rather than trying to leave any bridges open with me, they will simply exile me and deny my existence. They've done little to no good to me, and used religion as an excuse to justify their mind's inability to be flexible. Once your thoughts are no longer flexible, consider yourself dead. I have considered their point of view many times, and I have failed to understand why what I do with my life is any of their concern. God forgives the wrongdoing between a man and his God, but not between a man and his fellow man. If he truly exists, he will not forgive them.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #18389 2023-01-20 16:20:18

From: World of Grey
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,991

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Fuck religion honestly, it's the worst and most heinous form of toxic positivity.  How do people even know what 'God' wants from us when we haven't heard from that mf in 1000s of years.  In the present day it's just used as a means to force outdated ideals and cultures while using God's name as a scapegoat.  I don't believe in God, honestly fuck that guy if he exists, but if he does exist, I, based on what is taught by Christianity and/or Judaism, believe he wouldn't look kindly to those kinds of religious zealots.

Last edited by enet (2023-01-20 17:48:05)



^ #18390 2023-01-20 17:11:14

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,598

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Religion always was and WILL remain an incredibly effective tool to brainwash people. Keep them 'checked' and in line. I used to be less strict with my opinions about belief and religion but as I grew up and noticed just how deep this shit goes, I became much less tolerant. The vast majority of the population here is religious to a certain extent, and they always yap about how AcCePtInG and OpEn they are, but it's 10000000%. actual. bullshit. I've met maybe one, MAYBE one person who was religious but actually supported that claim with their behavior. The vast majority are, well, two-faced pricks that "welcome" you as soon as you don't make too much noise or are not too non-conforming. Go too taboo, and you will face their 'acceptance' at full force. I can only speak for Israel, but this country, and its people, have gone beyond salvation. The fact mutilating your child's penis is still done in this day and age, and is a wildly accepted practice even by secular people who do it due to peer pressure, is beyond me. I'd honestly rather throw myself off a cliff than multilate my child for no good reason, and that view alone already leaves me as an outcast. Let alone marrying a non Jew, let alone moving a country. I've been criticizing and defying religion/tradition since I was 10 or 11, pondering what the fuck is there in it, and if I wasn't born in a religious household, it'd have probably been even sooner. I hate everything.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


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