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Zelda wrote:Is it the year of the Linux desktop yet ?
it is always
Today I plugged an external monitor into my laptop and my KDE panel stayed on my laptop's monitor as it should, instead of fucking off to the external one.
We functional Linux desktop now, year of the Linux desktop 2016 !
Is it the year of the Linux desktop yet ?
For some reason my laptop has a magnet
Oh, apparently it's for lid detection
jesus christ
Why not all of them ? Variety is nice.
How would you rate the Aeropress?
It's very good, kind of similar to french press. Makes some really good coffee very quickly.
it's a travel solution, nothing beats hot drip cofe
Damn near everything beats that.
Coffee ! Also morning tuuba forum.
It's a rollercoaster
Farting on cats is extremely rude. Do not do this.