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^ #1 2015-12-04 00:34:27

The absolute madman
From: The world
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 759

卐 Politics 卐

I'm not sorry at all if I'm offending any1 with my topic, opening post or anything like that.
I might be politically incorrect, but there's 0 fucks to be given about it.

Might as well start with the status on Finland:
-Ministry is "right" winged, but since we have so many parties in the ministry, every "decision" is just a compromise on a compromise so nothing really gets done.
-Just like any other "1st world country" we're completely broke, but the damage control is real and there's more loan taken all the fucking time
-Media in full damage control about everything (especially immigrants, not a single neutral media anywhere)
-Unemployment is soon going to reach higher numbers than during the 90's regression
-Not a single party in politics is sensible, they're all the same bullshit so "voting for non-retarded politicians" is not an option. It's better to not vote at all

We snowniggers really know how to do politics ay

Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.


^ #2 2015-12-04 01:27:27

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

We can also post top-tier Hitler memes here to enhance the "feel" of the thread.





^ #3 2015-12-04 01:30:08

The absolute madman
From: The world
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 759

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

It's not like national socialism was the best thing to bless this earth, but it's always good to bring out the hitler card right in the beginning to save the trouble for others to call every non-left liberal a literal nazi


Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.


^ #4 2015-12-04 01:45:36

IppE's Wife
From: Parkano
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,600

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

Don't forget racist being the big bad nono word that "no one" (on the left) wants to be called


^ #5 2015-12-04 01:46:37

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

Thing is, National Socialism is fine on its own, but Hitler as an individual is highly inappropriate for the "memes" because he openly armed Muslims in Bosnia and made the horrific "Handzar division" so they could deal with Serb civilians on the Balkan, just because he was incredibly butthurt that the Serbs defeated and humiliated his lovely Austria during WW1.

I mean he literally supported kebabs on the Balkan, so yeah.


Last edited by Aurelianus Augustus (2015-12-04 01:48:00)




^ #6 2015-12-04 01:59:21

The absolute madman
From: The world
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 759

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

Khelly wrote:

Don't forget racist being the big bad nono word that "no one" (on the left) wants to be called

That word has been used so many times that it has already lost its meaning (I doubt they even know the exact of meaning of the word anyways). Just like many other words that are buzzed everywhere

Aurelianus Augustus wrote:


Yeah well, Hitler took shit too personally and fucked things up.

But still, every policy has its ups and downs, that's why I said national socialism isn't the best thing that has happened. It'd still be way better than the current situation, hell I'd even take communism in and live as a slave

Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.


^ #7 2015-12-04 02:02:42

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

Yes, I'd rather have Socialism again and battle against other European shits when shit hits the fan and the whole idea of Communism dies, than let these filthy kebabs in.




^ #8 2015-12-04 02:14:07

The absolute madman
From: The world
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 759

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

I wish the media wasn't in full damage control/brainwash mode, so people might actually realize things that are going here. Ofc most of the people read the biggest newspapers etc and hang out in social media where this stuff spreads like crazy. It affects too much how people vote on things and thanks to that we have this nice situation:


It's in finnish, but basically it shows how much debt in estimation our government currently has and how much it's per citizen

Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.


^ #9 2015-12-04 03:56:24

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

Definition of racism:  "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"

Well if you're not racist then you're just ignoring facts. There is plenty of evidence of the superiority of certain races over others, at least mentally. White and asians have a higher iq, brain size, etc., and this is reflected in their ability to create civilization. Niggers are relatively dumb, but they're superior physically which makes them good slaves


^ #10 2015-12-04 05:27:29

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,585

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

we should definitely let tumblr rule our governments, it's all for our best !

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #11 2015-12-04 08:08:52

Forrest Gump
From: School
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 206

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

"We have to respect human rights let everyone in there won't be problems with space for them". Also we have to stop selling pigybanks since some religion keep pigs holy or some shit.
That's pretty much Norway right now.

Last edited by Gumpyyy (2015-12-04 08:09:08)


^ #12 2015-12-04 08:23:53

The absolute madman
From: The world
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 759

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

I think most religions that have something to say about pigs through their holy words despise pigs, instead of keeping them holy. Muslims think they're filthy animals and for jews it's not kosher.
Not sure what other religions make a big deal out of piggies.

And it's kinda reasonable to that region to think that pigs are filthy, since it's kinda obvious they must've been eating infected pigs and therefore getting diseases by eating such a filthy animal

Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.


^ #13 2015-12-05 15:44:51

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

http://www.gotoquiz.com/politics/politi … -quiz.html


Yeah National Socialism isn't as bad as people make out, but it's still bad, since it's very authoritarian and relies heavily on the state to control the people and economy.


^ #14 2015-12-05 16:35:02

From: lokaatio
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 405

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

Those quizzes tend to not be very accurate, since they ask questions that aren't black&white and yet demand a black&white answer.

Still did it, and according to it I'm center-libertarian.

i can't wait to live in the moment


^ #15 2015-12-05 19:01:42

The absolute madman
From: The world
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 759

Re: 卐 Politics 卐

You are a center-right moderate social libertarian.


Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.


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