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game's solid but has some classic blizzard unbalance here and there
will see at launch
i can't wait to live in the moment
mccrees stun is bullshit
they need to nerf his stun, but nerfing his gun would just make his kit unviable. he's a gunslinger ffs
Gun damage seems fine, but the stun being an all-use panic button that you don't even need to aim properly to score a certain frag is just batshit retarded.
Widow also seems a bit on the edge of too strong. During the short beta period I barely ever got less than silver damage or much under gold eliminations as her. Lowering the fire and/or charge rate of the rifle and making headshots more vital for good damage (Something similar to the Sniper in TF2) might be in order, if I was asked. They could also trade some of her easy short-range damage (Read: the SMG and/or the health pool) for better mobility (eg. shorter cd on hookshot) to prioritize good positioning and skilled movement (typical sniper class skills, especially the former) over basically being just another flank class. These changes could possibly even change Widow from a must-pick hero to an optional one in the esports-scene. That's my two cents on that hero anyway.
11 or so more days of what the fuck to do
EDIT: also, why the fuck would they give the best and most skill-based mobility abilities to a healer that doesn't benefit from them whatsoever
Last edited by ksg (2016-05-13 11:06:34)
i can't wait to live in the moment
Last edited by ksg (2016-05-14 14:16:05)
i can't wait to live in the moment
i still dont get it why people complain at hanzo
lucio is the best counter ffs
i still dont get it why people complain at hanzo
lucio is the best counter ffs
because he can one shot anything if he lands a scatter shot at the enemy's feet, unless it got nerfed since the last time i played
Last edited by FuZ (2016-05-14 16:57:19)
rip me
being called a hacker is funny
because shooting a guy who's close to you with a gun that has a scope is somehow supposed to be "impossible"
i dont even know
i can't wait to live in the moment
Game functions as intended
i can't wait to live in the moment
Game functions as intended
▼Hidden text
It's actually a paid beta access and not a full release, blizzard just conveniently forgot to tell you that.
77% scoped accuracy on widowmaker
Sometimes I think I actually cheat
Last edited by ksg (2016-06-01 04:08:05)
i can't wait to live in the moment
i bought the game because im a blizz fanboy
i hope zarya is still op so i can rek ass
>first match
>getting matched with people around lvl 15/20
>im lvl 1
>they blame the matchmaking
>i told them i played a lot during the closed beta
>they don't trust me
>i carry the match
>they suck my balls at the end
Last edited by FuZ (2016-06-01 14:13:42)
i can't wait to live in the moment