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^ #1 2022-08-19 18:16:08

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Watch Log: NANA

No one is posting here anyway so imma go ahead and make this my thought dump. Nothing coherent will be posted here I am just angry-posting.

I started watching NANA and I am still at the very beginning of it. I've heard the manga is better but I have the attention span of a dying squirrel so I opted for the anime which I heard is pretty fine too.

I'm about 4 episodes in and this anime ANGERS THE FUCK out of me. Not because it's bad, not at all else I'd not make a watch log and actually post about it, if that were the case I'd drop it. But just like many other Japanese (but not exclusive to) romance anime it literally fucking normalizes grooming, some 29 bitch ass hoe goes after a high school girl, her dumb ass bestie fucking knew about it and even told her 'ye he's just using u as a warm pussy' and that's basically where it ends. Once the entire ordeal with the married-groomer is done, her Best Friend of The Year (tm) responds with something along the lines of 'I told you so'. Damn. I'm thinking how I'd perceive the part if I were watching this as a teen and it'd probably go above my head how creepy and stupid this is. In general, the 'sweet' Nana has a problem of literally going and being swayed by every single man that gives her an ounce of attention, is spineless and doesn't know how to develop friendships with men without giving up to the most lame, basic ass cardinal needs. Literally the entire anime so far revolves around men using a gullible, attention-seeking girl and if this shit isn't addressed I'm going to bang my head against something. I do not know a single living girl that wasn't tried to be groomed by an older man at some point, myself included, and this shit makes me want to vomit myself to sleep.

I will be updating this log as the anime progresses, hopefully it develops differently or I'm gonna fucking flip man

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #2 2022-08-19 19:11:44

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Two side noters:

I understand the anime actually comes to *criticize* grooming, but in a culture where most Japanese anime romanticizes them alongside with shit like actual pedo material, it's unfortunately completely fucking missed by your average viewer, which, for this kind of anime, would be mainly adolescent to teen girls and not mature women (though it is aimed at them)

Her "bestie" has the emotional intelligence of a used shoe sole, like her getting upset Nana is sad and wants to "stop her" so to say from moving to Tokyo. bitch you are legit the most braindead girl I've seen, of course she's going to be sad you're leaving, you're quite literally her only friend. You watched her getting groomed and fucked by every single man on earth and the next thing you do is hook her up with ANOTHER MAN. holy shit. fuck you

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #3 2022-08-19 21:24:28

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Both Nanas' backstories are realistic and good, but I guess I just enjoyed Dark Nana's backstory more. Not because she's some freaky emo girl but rather because I kinda wish women had their first relationship handled as maturely as they handled it. It's very rare for girls to not be awfully burnt by their first loves and significant relationships, and while her bf is kind of an arse for not even suggesting they move to Tokyo together and left without saying goodbye and playing it 'cool', they're still teens, understandable. But good for Dark Nana to stand for herself and not lose her sense of self in him, unlike Light Nana which seems to do anything just to not be alone. I kind of understand both.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #4 2022-08-20 13:13:22

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Watched up to Ep 8

Light Nana is so fucking cringe it hurts to watch, I had more empathy towards her while she was a high school student, but even as a 20 y.o it's like she learned absolutely nothing. She's like a femcel in the sense that she views boys as walking cum machines and not as human

Dark Nana's relationship is absolute cringe bro, it's like watching two 14 y.os cutting veins for Twenty One Pilots together

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #5 2022-08-20 19:39:12

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Ep 12

Holy fuck Shoji must be actual LAMEST fuckboy stereotype anime boy ever. He has the charisma of a split walnut. In general both light Nana and Shoji are actual cancer as a couple and as people with insatiable desire for attention and genitalia

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #6 2022-08-20 20:04:52

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Good fucking job Shoji, good FUCKING JOB. You had ONE fucking job. And now you're out of pussy because you ARE A PUSSY

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #7 2022-08-20 20:24:29

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Okay I have to point this out, Junko is a MASSIVE fucking asshole. I have no clue why she is considered the 'mom-type' friend when she is in fact just a self-centered bitch. Light Nana is as immature as it can get, but I'd expect a bit more decency out of the mom-best-friend-bs girl.
First she was mad Nana was upset she left for Tokyo, then she KNEW Shoji cheated and kept it to herself, now that Nana found out she goes like "oh but Shoji has it hard too, you know what kind of guy he is". What the ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK girl. You hooked her up with some dude that ended up cheating on her, and just because he's your high-school friend you're pulling the lowest-tier mental gymnastics to cover for his ass? GTFO bitch, better kys than have friends like Junko. People like her actually exist IRL and they're the worst, their own version of spineless and just try to be 'good with everyone' while some people simply don't deserve it

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #8 2022-08-21 02:50:40

From: World of Grey
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,914

Re: Watch Log: NANA

are you okay mom



^ #9 2022-08-21 06:53:40

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

yes I'm just passionate about watching drawn japanese girls fighting over boys

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #10 2022-08-21 10:03:57

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Ep 18

Yasu is seriously such an MVP, kind hearted and down to earth character. he truly cares for all of his bandmates but also knows when enough is enough

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #11 2022-08-21 19:30:27

From: World of Grey
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,914

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Pirtelö wrote:

yes I'm just passionate about watching drawn japanese girls fighting over boys

Ew boys are gross



^ #12 2022-08-22 18:50:04

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Light Nana seems to be constantly struggling to have her own personality and is too fixated of finding 'true love' which funnily enough, brings her none of that. Her want to devote to someone sure is admirable but she has the mental stability of an ikea chair

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #13 2022-08-24 16:21:55

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

Light Nana is officially a walking STD collector & is severely sick with the "I can fix him" syndrome. A very relatable disease, at times incurable, but she better stop.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #14 2022-08-26 10:40:22

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

EP 28

I don't know if it's because the anime doesn't follow the manga 1:1, but Nobu's simping for hachiko is a bit unclear to me. "I'll wait for you faithfully until you break off with Takumi" wtf bitch? They're not even a thing to begin with, all they do is meet once every couple weeks and fuck, what am I missing? Also the pace in which he fell for Hachiko is also unclear to me; since their interactions didn't occur to me as anything special anyway. She's too much of an indecisive bitch for a good guy like Nobu. In general her character develops 1 step forward but 3 steps back. She seems more conscious of how her decisions so far have been ridiculous but instead of taking a moment to step out and look at things as they are and figure out why they're bad she just keeps rolling. why.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


^ #15 2022-08-26 15:13:34

the sanest bun
From: BunCave
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 1,588

Re: Watch Log: NANA

There's not a SINGLE character I hate more than Junko. Seriously. Takumi? ok, an asshole womanizer, big surprise. Shoji? a fucking retard, big surprise. But Junko man. What does she do apart from bring Hachiko down and tear her character in front of other people? so much for being her bestie, she's genuinely an undermining asshole that cannot have a tiny bit of blessing and happiness towards hachiko without being a cringe bitch. Fuck you.

16:02:42     Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry

"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023


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