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Not sure what power I have. I still don't have any reason to vote anyone.
Stop being a fucking pussy
Everyone has a belief system, B.S., the trick is to learn not to take anyone's B.S. too seriously, especially your own.
No one is free as long as someone is in prison.
B1rd seems like an obvious jester(the guy who wins if killed, not sure if thag was the name, and cba to check on my phone), or clever mafia acting as one.
So all I've said is actually a big ruse and I'm actually an experienced player with an obscure role who is also RPing as that role?
Sounds like a longshot tbh fam
well my bandwagon isn't going anywhere so time to hop on a new one and get things rolling
unvote Brian OA
vōtō AstroCookie desu
I don't really think IppE deserves the heat just for being vocal and advocating to lynch people, mafia would probably try to be more subtle
and maybe now Brian can stop being petty af with his reactionary voting and help me take out one of these goddamned Finns
tl;dr, he voted for me.
1v1 me duck gaem fgt
Unvote Ippe
Vote B1rd
After reading the thread again, AstroCookie definitely is suspiciously spastic.
Then again, anyone looking acting this suspiciously is a possible jester.
I'll refrain from voting anyone too active for now.
Instead, I'd like more from Multtari, abraker, Shiringo, ksg and enet.
I know there isn't much time left till the night, but things can still happen.
*looking and acting
I already made up my decision. I can't be bothered to change it.
I don't know what to do or say. So i don't.
He's obviously up to something, the fiend.