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^ #46 2016-06-14 18:13:17

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: Post your dreams

I dreamt that I was some type of necromancer and I would cast different spells turning my blankets into different types of human flesh, for some reason I don't remember.

And I was walking along a beach before I realised there were crocodiles hidden in the sand everywhere. So I turned back and when I made it back there was a couple with a pram going for a walk, and I warned them about the crocodiles but they already knew and didn't care.


^ #47 2016-06-14 18:20:06

From: World of Grey
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,990

Re: Post your dreams

B1rd wrote:

I dreamt that I was some type of necromancer and I would cast different spells turning my blankets into different types of human flesh, for some reason I don't remember.

And I was walking along a beach before I realised there were crocodiles hidden in the sand everywhere. So I turned back and when I made it back there was a couple with a pram going for a walk, and I warned them about the crocodiles but they already knew and didn't care.

That couple got balls.



^ #48 2016-06-15 05:19:01

I like older women
From: r/depthhub
Registered: 2016-05-30
Posts: 112

Re: Post your dreams

I dreamed that I was in my room, and I got tired, so I went to sleep.

Then, in my second dream, which is a dream within a dream, I realized I'm in a dream, and woke up. However, in actuality I'm still sleeping, and I'm still in my first dream.

Having false awakening sucks.

Don't use “thought” verbs too much: thinks, understands, loves, hates, and a hundred others. Instead of characters knowing, present the details that allow the reader to know them. Instead of a character wanting something, describe the thing so that the reader wants it. Only specific sensory detail: smell, taste, and sound.


^ #49 2016-06-30 01:03:39

Zhepyr Valentine
Magical Girl
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 246

Re: Post your dreams

I dreamed that a snake the size of my arm got into my room and bit me.

I worship the cold and despise the heat


^ #50 2016-06-30 07:12:22

From: Neverland
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 100

Re: Post your dreams

Last night I dreamt about being tiny and living inside a huge broccoli. I had to find somethinh but I can't remember what is was.


^ #51 2016-07-02 10:12:05

o shit waddap
From: Anywhere but here
Registered: 2016-02-01
Posts: 11

Re: Post your dreams

i had a dream where i was relatively older, maybe about a couple years older and i was in a classroom where no one did anything besides sleep in one bed (multiple people just slept in it like it was normal), play video games on the projector and do other things that would be unfit for school in general

i just hung in the back of the class, just glancing over at them occasionally and playing some game laying supine on a desk

weeaboo signature picture goes here


^ #52 2016-07-04 04:04:15

Zhepyr Valentine
Magical Girl
Registered: 2015-10-21
Posts: 246

Re: Post your dreams

In my dream I was Shinichi Kudo preventing an attempted robbery on a mansion somewhere.

I worship the cold and despise the heat


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