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Discuss the game, patch notes, its esports scene or other League-related things in here.
I'll also make a list of all your Summoner Names + Server and keep it up to date, so make sure to post your information in here if you so desire. Alternatively you can send me a private message.
If the list gets too long I'll probably put it in a spoiler box.
<Forum Nickname> - <League Nickname>
BrokenArrow - BrokenArrow
enet - ImSoTilted
FisHie - FiisHiiii
FuZ - Bit Funk
Gilgamesh - Victorique DB
Gumpyyy - Gumpyyy
kosteuttaja - Pürjo
FisHie - FiisHiiii
fittan - The Mighty Creep
Jazz - Eniza
Jazz - Eniza
Last edited by BrokenArrow (2015-11-01 19:25:04)
Bit Funk on EUW
Haven't played a lot lately because i have no friends
Fnatic for Worlds!!! It's the year for EU to rise back up!!
Oh yeah I made a grandspanking new lv1 account just to play with you Internet skrubs.
Last edited by enet (2015-10-21 10:40:37)
EUW- Victorique DB is my public acc, so feel free to add me if you want a few aram games or an occasional normal.
Aurani why do you have another gay name?
Also I went to the Fnatic vs EDG match and met a bunch of famous league people.
Last edited by enet (2015-10-21 10:48:31)
Well sorry that we don't have the same tastes. lol
What does the DB stand for? Droopy Balls?
You trying to pick a fight or something? I don't know why you turned like that all of a sudden. You were "chill" just a month ago.
I'm just teasing you man, it's a funny name.
I made that acc something like..... eh..... 4 years ago I think. I renamed it during season 2 because I loved Victorique from Gosick, and I never really felt like changing it because 300+ people knew me by that name, so yeah.
hi im shit elo
i wish fnatic would win because yurop, it's too bad skt exists
Eniza in NA and PH/Garena
Was supposed to watch worlds during the weekend but a storm happened.
Do you know why snow is white? Snow is white, because it has forgotten what color it's supposed to be.
hi im shit elo
is that your nickname or just a modest introduction
Last edited by BrokenArrow (2015-10-21 17:21:50)
is that your nickname or just a modest introduction
you have to find me yourselves