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This woman has gang beef with translators, so sad!
but google translator literally fixes your text
this is what I got:
"Will gain love for another country and hope that in the future they will be able to fuck you" probably close enough
É apenas um novo ponto de vista.
I think our Google translates are on a different kind of retarded.
Mine didn't spit out the country bit last time I checked it.
but google translator literally fixes your text
this is what I got:
"Will gain love for another country and hope that in the future they will be able to fuck you" probably close enough
Dude I know why it says fuck and that's so funny hahahaha
"Ippe's wife" ayo, did I miss the wedding?
"Ippe's wife" ayo, did I miss the wedding?
wake up you're in 2024 that title only means that they're living together now
É apenas um novo ponto de vista.
"Ippe's wife" ayo, did I miss the wedding?
Вёт бё я вёшлё зёmёж зё нёгё, нё ёжё брёсёл у мёня ёррё
does anyone play osu
does anyone play osu
Я дёлгё нё ёгрёлё в ёсё
Hades Izanami wrote:"Ippe's wife" ayo, did I miss the wedding?
Вёт бё я вёшлё зёmёж зё нёгё, нё ёжё брёсёл у мёня ёррё
you should marry ippe, that would be pretty poggers!
also a half russian half finnish child would be quite funny
É apenas um novo ponto de vista.
Mfs don't know the tuuba user lore
Mfs don't know the tuuba user lore
Кёкёй lore?
does anyone play osu
does anyone play osu
Ja vroeger heel veel, tegenwoordig eigenlijk bijna niet meer. Toevallig gisteren weer een keertje voor het eerst in 5 maanden ofzo.
Ymir wrote:does anyone play osu
Ja vroeger heel veel, tegenwoordig eigenlijk bijna niet meer. Toevallig gisteren weer een keertje voor het eerst in 5 maanden ofzo.
I only played for a year or so with alot of activity before giving up on that endeavour.