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i'm pretty sure pedophilia is illegal.
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
We're talking about moral rights here, as I'm PRETTY sure that no government is going to give two fucks about this site.
Not me, IppE. To be clear, we're talking about photos of real children, not loli. And by photos we're talking about any photos, regardless of whether they're sexually explicit or not. According to IppE, viewing real children in any sexual way is wrong, regardless of whether any child was harmed in the taking of the photo or the viewing of it by the person. Victimless crimes are a thing, ya know.
then you may as well remove that sub forum completely. (to aurani)
Last edited by Pirtelö (2015-11-21 10:27:35)
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
i'm pretty sure pedophilia is illegal.
No it's not lol. By definition, pedos are people attracted to children, similar to gays are attracted to the same sex and all that. Viewing child porn, having sex with minors is illegal, but simply being a pedo isn't.
yeah, you're right. I phrased it wrong... usually I connect pedophilia automatically to viewing child porn and having sex with minors. x_x
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
then you may as well remove that sub forum completely. (to aurani)
Yes, the whole place is a satanic shithole now. Started out fine, but got WAY out of control.
you're in no position to decide what's ''fine'' and what's not, though. it's a weird ass sub forum but in the end it's people posting whatever turns them on lol
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
We just need some more segregation, a thread where people can post non-degenerate porn.
I'm in no right to decide what people post? Fine, I'll post terrorist execution videos to each and every thread then, child rape and practically every other video from bestgore, because I enjoy those things and you can't decide what I'm going to post, as you hold no rights to that.
Don't go full liberalism, please. There is a distinct line that should not be crossed, and that subforum crossed it ages ago. Even Brian can't stand it, and he can handle a lot of shit.
the thing is how are you going to decide what's too much and what isn't?
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
I'm in no right to decide what people post? Fine, I'll post terrorist execution videos to each and every thread then, child rape and practically every other video from bestgore, because I enjoy those things and you can't decide what I'm going to post, as you hold no rights to that.
Don't go full liberalism, please. There is a distinct line that should not be crossed, and that subforum crossed it ages ago. Even Brian can't stand it, and he can handle a lot of shit.
holy shit, chill. I'm not going full liberalism here. I'm just saying that if someone posted something there they probably find it ok and you should really think where to cross the line. what you mentioned above is pretty extreme and I'm fucking sure everyone is aware of that.
Last edited by Pirtelö (2015-11-21 10:52:22)
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
Ever heard of a thing called morals?
If I post a picture of an old man raping a 15-year old, you can't tell me to not post it because I truly couldn't give a shit as you are not an admin, BUT that doesn't mean that I SHOULD post it. It's simply not okay.
"It's simply is not OK" isn't an argument. People cna post whatever they like, as long as it goes in the right thread and it's not against the law (like CP). If you don't want to see that stuff, simply don't go into that thread. Simple as that. That's right, you have no right to say what people should and shouldn't post.
You seem like a bit of a hypocrite too, you say not to post execution vids, but posting terrorist getting their head blown off it fine?
Morality is subjective.
Last edited by B1rd (2015-11-21 10:59:05)
can we guys chill