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Belated Merry Christmas you filthy animals.
And a happy new year.
Gilgamesh is still the king of thieving faggots.
I should probably build a new PC soon, my i7 2600K 3.4GHz that I OC'd to 4.5GHz runs perfectly fine after 5 years, but I'm unsure how long my PSU, Mobo and RAM will last, def need to upgrade to a GTX1080 from my shitty GTX780 though.
No one batting for team Felt? Lil miss fuck everyone else because they're all a bunch of self-entitled pricks?
Also Beako cos fucking tea bitch that actually has interesting shit to say
Brian should draw more cute girls doing cute things.
I love TB, we should all build a monument to his absolute glory.
Holy fuck I don't think I have enough bleach to purge my keyboard after writing that sarcastic cesspool of a comment
▼Hidden textps, ^ das a big selfie.
Dayum gurl.
Thank you, to Gil, not you.
Don't flatter yourself, I wasn't talking about you.
Underjew looks like Anne Frank.
I expected more burqa.
Also Anus sends his regards and thinks you look good.
Can I have Brian then? He's exotic.
no thanks
kom och rädda mig från det här con
edit typo please kill me
Don't worry, I'll give you the little death.
you're just jealous that I speak more languages than you ever will at younger than you
Jealousy is one emotion I'm incapable of feeling, for I am happy with what I have, if I wasn't happy with what I have I would've seeked out to get what I desire.
Speaking of where can I pick you up hot stuff? (:^y)
I think we should have a required minimum IQ barrier in this forum
But that'd force the removal of about 80% of you lil kids from here. :V
Yeah her English voice actor in the movie is good but her Japanese voice actor in the game sounds annoying as fuck. Have you seen this trailer? She should just shut the fuck up, her voice makes me want to slap her; they should have made the mother the main female character, I'd bang her, yum.
Lunafreya and Gentiana? I've never heard of either of their JP VAs before, Rina Kitagawa and Sayaka Kinoshita. Lunafreya has a different JP VA in the movie for some reason though. Lunafreya has voiced Cure Honey from Precure though but that's about it. Gentiana has only had one main role as well so neither of them are one of the high-end ones.
Gentiana has a pretty nice voice but I honestly don't have anything to say about Lunafreya's.
Because you hate me, therefore I love you to bring balance, and yes Swedish cuisine is plain as fuck, it's just random quanities of potatoes and veggies with some meat or fish.
Probably why we steal so much culture from other countries. (Except the French kitchen, fuck that)
Also you rascist fuck, how can you call it negerbollar?! J/K fuck that decision to change it from negerbollar to chokladbollar, neger is latin for black you fucking illiterate fucks. But noooo, gotta be politically correct cos literarily one person whined loud enough about it. Same with censoring the Santa's Workshop clip during Christmas with the black doll that says "Mommy" instead of Mama. I swear to fuck Sweden has turned into a country of pussies who're scared to say anything that isn't politically correct, our ancestors are rolling in their graves laughing over how fucking pathetic this country has turned.