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^ #16 2016-06-02 01:12:13

From: A flaming hot Wok
Registered: 2016-05-07
Posts: 520

Re: Overwatch General

jfc ksg



^ #17 2016-06-02 05:33:30

From: lokaatio
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 405

Re: Overwatch General

Gave Zarya a go, this bitch strong af fam


i can't wait to live in the moment


^ #18 2016-06-02 07:09:07

Sales Manager
From: south finland
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,323

Re: Overwatch General

someone teach me how to play attack heroes, I somehow manage to fuck up on even the w+lmb ones



^ #19 2016-06-02 07:49:16

From: A flaming hot Wok
Registered: 2016-05-07
Posts: 520

Re: Overwatch General

the only good attak hero is mccree

fan - flashbang - roll - fan



^ #20 2016-06-02 10:29:40

From: lokaatio
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 405

Re: Overwatch General

Wall of shit you don't actually care about.

Most close range damage dealing heroes (or so I find) play similarly to TF2 Scout in the sense that they are fairly easy to kill when spotted, so you should absolutely try to take most of your fights by engaging from behind or abusing their focus on something else. If they look straight at you there's no point approaching them for an 1v1 duel unless you know they're very bad or low on health. Also aim at the head and always keep your crosshair at that height, blahblah basic shooter cursor positioning stuff so you don't get surprised behind corners quite that easily.

None of this is necessary for McCree, he can just stun+rightclick everything in the stomach and destroy shit, not to mention he still does huge damage at mid to long range if you can headshot stuff.

Genji's also a bit different since he has projectiles without splash, hard to aim but so satisfying when you get that phat triple headshot on somebody. Ult destroys.

Tracer strong as fuck as long as you dont fuck up your aim or get yourself killed with bad dashes and shit.

Pharah easy rocket splash dmg (or directs for huge 120dmg) but don't bother if they have a good Widowmaker, she'll swat you like a fly. Good for destroying Bastions/turrets as long as they don't catch you off guard.

Also playing in a full team stack makes the game so much more enjoyable because you can actually coordinate pushes so you have a distraction to work off, and have people call out where the enemies are so you don't get destroyed by stupid shit that much.

TLDR: play mcree while it's still op

Last edited by ksg (2016-06-02 10:32:52)

i can't wait to live in the moment


^ #21 2016-06-02 11:19:01

cancer incarnate
From: france
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 771

Re: Overwatch General

tupsu wrote:

someone teach me how to play attack heroes, I somehow manage to fuck up on even the w+lmb ones

the main attack hero that i play is tracer because it's super easy to win in pub games with her, you just get behind the enemy line and be annoying, you are really hard to kill so it will make the enemy team lose a lot of time and even split them, just don't forget to hide somewhere when your E is on cooldown, the enemy will probably follow you and lose extra time. if both teams are doing a teamfight you can just flank the enemy team and get easy kills on healers and low health dps

mccree is op too and played a lot in competitive because he can win 1v1 against literally everyone with his flash+rmb combo but i don't really like his slow gameplay so i don't play him

meanwhile in china blizzard banned 1500 players and even show their btag name in the post unsmith
they should do the same thing in EU/NA when banning players

Last edited by FuZ (2016-06-02 16:39:49)


^ #22 2016-06-02 17:15:02

a moskito made it for a stig
Registered: 2015-10-28
Posts: 406

Re: Overwatch General

sonatora wrote:

lucio is the best counter ffs




^ #23 2016-06-02 18:38:31

cancer incarnate
From: france
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 771

Re: Overwatch General

i found this website, it has guides for all heroes so if you're looking to play a new hero you can find some interesting tips: http://www.furiouspaul.com/overwatch/


^ #24 2016-06-03 14:51:02

cancer incarnate
From: france
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 771

Re: Overwatch General

the average skill level of players playing this game is problematic


^ #25 2016-06-03 14:55:00

Cash Money
From: Germany, Kebabland
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 997

Re: Overwatch General

Noob-o-tastic. Its why Bastion is so "strong" because nubs dont know how to deal with stationary enemies.

Life is like a box of chocolates. But theres no candies in there for you.


^ #26 2016-06-03 15:04:39

cancer incarnate
From: france
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 771

Re: Overwatch General

yeah i don't get the hate on bastion and torbjorn, 3 rockets from pharah and their turrets are down, and if they're in hard-to-reach spots they can get hard counter by genji's deflect

bastion is only scary if he have a mercy on his butt giving him heals and buffs

i'm not enjoying most of my matchs because people can't adapt to the team, people picking 2 widows, people picking useless D.Va because muh waifu, weeaboo-san picking hanzo but can't aim for shit, people that continue to play symmetra after the first point has been taken until the end of the game

playing solo is too random but i'm not surprised

Last edited by FuZ (2016-06-03 15:46:26)


^ #27 2016-06-03 16:02:13

Cash Money
From: Germany, Kebabland
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 997

Re: Overwatch General

FuZ wrote:

bastion is only scary if he have a mercy on his butt giving him heals and buffs

Even then - if Mercy is all he has as support from teammates he'll go down easy, do actual teamwork with your teammates and get him in a pincher attack, attack from two sides. Dude gets like, double damage from behind and there will be someone behind him no matter where he aims.

Also tracer - blink in, lob that grenade and rewind out, Bastion no more.

Life is like a box of chocolates. But theres no candies in there for you.


^ #28 2016-06-03 16:20:15

cancer incarnate
From: france
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 771

Re: Overwatch General


the story of my life, we had no heal from the begining to the end

i think i should just stop playing the game at this point, i'll soon get a negative W/L ratio and get matched with even more retards


^ #29 2016-06-03 16:27:15

From: A flaming hot Wok
Registered: 2016-05-07
Posts: 520

Re: Overwatch General

double bastion lol

also I find kings row the easiest map to deal with stationary bastions. so much flank spots



^ #30 2016-06-03 19:54:10

Cash Money
From: Germany, Kebabland
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 997

Re: Overwatch General


Life is like a box of chocolates. But theres no candies in there for you.


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