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I just found out that this country has a rule that forbids phones with 4G capabilities to be sold domestically if it doesn't have 30% locally sourced or manufactured parts. No wonder the phone selection is so small.
I worship the cold and despise the heat
2 more things worth noticing
1. Steam app is now available for Windows Phone. In case anybody in here uses it.
2. Zero Time Dilemma, a game from Danganronpa series creator, has just released. Seems to be promising.
Like, seriously?
Welcome to the Finnish "special" forces.
Last edited by Aurani (2016-06-30 04:48:40)
The original and not that king of thieves Aurelianus/Gilgamesh.
2 more things worth noticing
1. Steam app is now available for Windows Phone. In case anybody in here uses it.
just when I bought a new phone, goddamnit
Zero Time Dilemma, a game from Danganronpa series creator, has just released. Seems to be promising.
I hate looking like a hipster and go hating whatever you like for the heck of it, but I'm going to say this. I never got why the DGRP series was popular, it's a game with a bad premise involving one-sided, uninteresting characters, and Jar-Jar Binks the teddy bear kiliing each other in ridiculously motives and stupid ways. The slow motion effect and shooting at words is pretty fucking cool, but that's kind of it. This is only my opinion by the way, and if you think DGRP is amazing I can recommend some games I think that are better than DGRP for you.
Last edited by Ambivalence (2016-06-30 10:37:07)
Don't use “thought” verbs too much: thinks, understands, loves, hates, and a hundred others. Instead of characters knowing, present the details that allow the reader to know them. Instead of a character wanting something, describe the thing so that the reader wants it. Only specific sensory detail: smell, taste, and sound.
Liking Danganronpa outside of Japan is already as hipster as it gets and having enough knowledge of the game to not like it with those reasons makes you even hipster than hipster, you hipster-fag.
Last edited by enet (2016-06-30 11:01:46)
Hades Izanami wrote:Like, seriously?
this is the sole reason why I finished the show
the mitsumune drama was shit
Liking Danganronpa outside of Japan is already as hipster as it gets and having enough knowledge of the game to not like it with those reasons makes you even hipster than hipster, you hipster-fag.
so I'm a hipster because it's one of the very few series I've actually finished? ok...
Yeah, sorry to break the news.
why are you doing this black science man. why are you like this.
"This miserable mode
Maintain the melancholy souls of those
Who lived withouten infamy or praise."
Edited since Anus is a cunt who can't use the Internet properly.
Last edited by Aurani (2016-06-30 13:53:12)
The original and not that king of thieves Aurelianus/Gilgamesh.