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I'll vote for abraker then since he's the only one left that voted for nolynch.
Vote abraker
I'll vote for abraker then since he's the only one left that voted for nolynch.
Vote abraker
In my defence, I don't like jumping on the bandwagon unless I knew for sure that Cookie was mafia. We were just shooting anywhere and hope you hit something good. Well to my surprise, Cookie turned out to be mafia. Maybe someone can explain why Cookie was suspected of mafia because it looks like peer pressure and going with the crowd to me.
True this game wouldnt get anywhere without elimination, but time tends to give more room for mishaps. I'm just waiting for one of the mafia to slip up.
Vote: Multtari
Voting no-lynch on the first day, remaining mostly inactive and then trying to steer the votes away from his mafia friend but then going back into voting for him as a effort not to seem suspicious.
No, i had consumed too much alcohol that night and was being retarded. Please ignore anything i've said during day 1.
Now....there is this human faced spastic hamster with orange hoodie running around the town that is hell i can't even begin to guess is doing. Mafia that is trying to blend in by having exposure?
No hard feelings dunno who to suspect right now Q_Q.
Vote: Brian-OA
You are free to vote me if that makes you feel better but you are not going to benefit from it.
Still suspicious about day 1 actions
Vote: B1rd
Abraker, he was pretty much blatant mafia at the point where he switched to No-Lynch in an attempt to get some heat off his arse. I wasn't really able to follow what lead to it, but that's when he rose above others in terms of suspicion.
i can't wait to live in the moment
Also why would i turn against mafia member with fairly high priority role which results in lynch at the final vote. That wouldn't be worth it.
IppE seems exprienced in forum mafia analyzing situations like these so i would expect him to know better
zertap's decision to not put his vote towards anything seems a bit questionable, any words about this?
i can't wait to live in the moment
Lunarstorm did a good job as a jester since he seemed obvious by changing to no lynch. Though I'm not really sure how those two died at night... one theory is that the mafia suspected that the town had a vigilante and layed some sort of 'trap' on Lunar because he was the obvious target for the vigilante. Anyway, that's enough theorising for one night morning, I'm going to bed and I guess I'll investigate what powers could be behind this later.
I believe vigilante killed lunar because changing vote to no-lynch after astro declaring himself as mafia (any sane high priority pro-town would never ever do that) and also being pretty silent aside that. Vigilante then got killed by mafia at random or through special power. Haven't really read through all of them roles yet so.....
Is there even any role that allows mafia to see who is killed during the night before the day.
zertap's decision to not put his vote towards anything seems a bit questionable, any words about this?
I just didn't have any reason to suspect anyone, yet voting no-lynch was not a good idea to me either.
Ended up not voting at all.
I am mafia because I didn't want to die? Voting no-lynch was probably a mistake, but I did it so if someone voted for me I would still be alright, and I was going to change if you got enough votes on AstroCookie
B1rd (2) - Brian OA, ksg
Multtari (1) - IppE
abraker (1) - enet
Brian OA (1) - Multtari
No Vote (4) - Plakkis, zertap, abraker, B1rd
After compiling and going through some data, I have suspicions of certain players
B1rd did some unusual things. B1rd first asked what the mafia can do at night, but that can be countered by the statement "hehe, you guys will never guess which role I have." If we guessed he was mafia, then he wouldn't be so confident. Unless it's reverse psychology, dunno. He also voted for me, but then retracted to no vote. As a result, he rose suspicion and chose to the popular choice to avoid being lynched. Weighing all of that, he seems chaotic-neutral to me and is getting in the way of fire. Possible he wants that, but he says he doesn't. B1rd is probably a moron or likes living on the edge, your pick.
I am not sure what Brian is going for by consecutive voting, but he seems to be fixated on lynching B1rd and defended IppE. Seeing how popular he is, if he is mafia, why was LunarStorm lynched instead of B1rd? If he is part of the mafia, then they want to throw us off, if not, then the consecutive voting and his affiliation with IppE is pretty weird.
IppE went through some number of votes before jumping on the bandwagon: zertap→No-Lynch→AstroCookie→B1rd. He was also the first one to vote to lynch, while most people no-lynched as their first vote. Just getting the info out of random voting Zertap is understandable, but being so indecisive with the voting indicates he doesn't care much of who gets lynched, or does he? He voted for Cookie for people to think that they are not connected, however, since he saw that Cookie was starting to being suspected from his bullshit votes, he had to change his vote to B1rd. Seems like a sheep in wolf's clothing to me.
That said, I'd vote for either Brian OA or IppE. Brian OA, IppE and AstroCookie all ended up voting for B1rd while everyone else voted for AstroCookie. True Multtari also ended up voting for B1rd, but idk much from his lack of interaction. They seems the fitting puzzle piece within what's left of the mafia, but Brian's story doesn't make 100% sense to me, so...
Vote IppE
Oops. I meant to say "why was LunarStorm killed instead of B1rd" in the Brian explanation, not lynched.
Really don't see how you can counter B1rd's question with a statement like "hehe, you guys will never guess which role I have." Unless you mean he's just playing dumb, which is quite possible. Given his crying cirnos and the fact that the jester is already dead, I doubt he wants to get in any sort of heat.
I voted for B1rd because he voted me. At this point I'm just defaulting to B1rd for no reason whatsoever aside from salt. I don't really have any reason to lynch him so I'll probably switch once I find a proper candidate. You know, kind of like what Multtari is doing.
I like IppE. He's nice and doesn't vote me for no reason whatsoever like that one Australian guy. But that's just sentimentality. Honestly you could fry enet on the same grounds you're trying to suspect me for.
Lunar could've been killed by a serial killer or a vigilante though. At this point I feel like everyone just wants to cull the passive guys that voted no lynch for being so suspicious. Like abraker.
I think he was just trying to stir shit up because Day 1 is typically boring and everyone just wants to get the game moving along.
Hi, my story began with B1rd saying "I'm getting a bad vibe from him, tbh"
Still, it'd be too simplistic to base my reasons off who voted for what. Too many variables independent from the game are present. So I'm still waiting.