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Vote: Zertap
Taking defensive action. You didn't have ANY proof for your role. I gave a small one with intention of not having anyone to figure it out but still roleplaying a little. Didn't expect it to become relevant during the game.
I'm also siding with IppE and ksg most now so there is that.
Giving proof for a role like this is especially hard. Since you can't really verify that any other way than being killed and a very few rare roles.
If you're asking me, it doesn't. I really didn't bother trying to prove something that can't be proven. At least I can't.
*role not rule
Last edited by abraker (2015-11-13 04:06:41)
fuck I accidentally pressed the edit button instead quote. Forgive me
original text:
Here is a supposed rule: Any roleclaim cannot be proven true or false until who claimed the role dies. The doesn't mean that you can't prove alliances though.
This rule can be proven since anything you claim is supposedly a lie and any proof towards the claim is also supposedly a lie.
Here is a supposed rule: Any roleclaim can never be proven true or false until the one who claimed the rule dies. That doesn't mean that we can't prove alliances though.
And that rule can be proven by simply that anything claimed is supposedly a lie and any proof for the claim is also supposedly a lie.
That's a given for any claim, really. We can't prove anything decisively until we get results. Moreover, all we're working off of are just educated guesses. They're not all necessarily lies, but they're not all necessarily true, either. That's the nature of a game based on inferrence.
What bugs me about Multtari right now is that his D1 statement doesn't really strike me as a hint towards his role and that he brought up this double virgin conundrum now and not earlier.
What bugs me about Multtari right now is that his D1 statement doesn't really strike me as a hint towards his role and that he brought up this double virgin conundrum now and not earlier.
If he did, then he would have repelled mafia since mafia can't afford to loose a chance to kill. It doesn't matter now since there might not be a next day, so why? The only reason I can think of is in hopes he would have been night killed so that mafia would loose a day. So it seems pretty logical to roleclaim that now.
According to the wiki, "A Virgin is a player who, upon being Night-Killed, causes all night-kills next night-phase to be blocked. ".
Would mafia want their night kill be blocked? No.
Therefore it is in the virgin's best interest to keep the role a secret in hopes that the mafia would loose a kill the next night.
If a pro-town player is lynched today, then if mafia kill a pro-town player at night, then the mafia win
Therefore this role is useless now and so it doesn't matter whether the mafia know who is virgin.
I understand that much; what I dont understand is how does his post from Day 1 hint that he is a virgin.
Small hint of the role during day 1:
Multtari wrote:Sorry for being passive antisocial. Looking forward to how things start rolling after the night.
*goes back crying to the corner*
What i meant in the message by antisocial was "Person that has no need or will to interact with other people". Therefore being a virgin.
I wouldn't mind roleclaiming right now. But having feeling it wouldn't be beneficial for just me and Zertap to have done so.
I tried to get some more roleclaims and informative roles to get out of their goddamn closets earlier, but deadline is getting near.
^ @abraker