Tuuba Time: 2025-02-09 19:23:41 | Local Time: 2025-02-09 17:23:41

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^ #1 2018-06-14 21:14:12

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]



Hidden text

1) Do not quote your role PM or anything the mod shares with you.
2) Do not post screenshots or any sort of factual evidence of private communications, either with the mod or amongst yourselves.
3) Do not edit your posts. Feel free to double/triple post.
4) Do not discuss mafia outside of the thread, unless your role PM allows to do so.
5) Mod has the final say on any issue. If the mod makes a mistake, feel free to PM her to sort it out.
6) If you have any questions regarding your role, feel free to PM the mod and ask for clarification.
7) Dead men tell no tales. Dead people may not post in the thread. Don't be that guy.

1) Game starts at Day.
2) Day will be 5 days initially, may be subject to change if necessary.
3) You may vote someone by using this format: Vote: Player. You may also choose to not lynch anyone: Vote: No-Lynch
Save a mod, use bold for your votes, it helps.
4) You may remove your vote by using this format: Unvote: Player
5) When a player receives more than half of the total votes at any point during the day, that player is automatically lynched.
6) Once a player is lynched, there shall be no posting in the thread even before the mod posts the lynch scene. Night will commence shortly.
7) If no one has been lynched and the deadline has passed, the player with the most votes gets lynched. If there is a tie, whoever reached the tying amount of votes first is lynched.
8) A player has to remain active, at least one post per 48 hours. If a player has not posted for 48 hours, another player may request for them to be prodded. Mod might prod regardless of player requests to prevent inactivity. Prods are announced in the thread.
9) If the prodded player doesn't respond, they will be replaced.
10) If the player has been prodded three times and becomes inactive again, they will be automatically replaced.
11) If no replacement can be found, the player will be modkilled instead.

1) Night lasts 48 hours.
2) Any roles or factions with active night abilities may choose to use them by PMing the mod (see your Role PM for role-specific instructions).
3) Once the deadline for night has passed, any actions not received will count as a No Action.
4) Thread gets locked for the night.

1) Town wins when they eliminate all threats to the town.
2) Any other faction wins when they control half the votes during Day, unless otherwise specified in the Role PM.

Pre-game info

Hidden text

this will be an open setup with fairly standard roles, exact setup is subject to change depending on how many players we get. theme is relatively meaningless and means that the flufftexts will be suspiciously gritty and neon.
please please please recruit people, if you know your friend/girlfriend/neighbour/dog has been wanting to try out mafia now is their perfect chance. naturally this means that oldies are also welcome, but please be mindful of the noobs.
start is planned for 2300 Tuuba Time on July 16. please note the decreased time in day compared to previous instances of mafia on these here forums - this is intended to rush day along a little, as well as make it so that day and night keep the same weekdays, which might help with participants remembering to participate/check back for night and day. this might fuck slightly with prod deadline, as such prod deadline might also change.


Hidden text

1) Lefafel
2) IppE
3) fittan
4) abraker
5) Aurelianus Augustus
6) zertap
7) Hades Izanami

Setup details

Hidden text

1 Mafia Goon
1 Mafia Roleblocker Tracker

1 Sane Cop
1 Doctor
3 Townies

Mafia Tracker can choose between nightkill or tracking, but they may not perform both actions in the same night.

Opening post
Closing post

Hades Izanami - Mafia Goon (D1 - Lynched)
fittan - Vanilla Townie (N1 - Killed)
IppE - Townie Cop (D2 - Lynched)
Lefafel - Vanilla Townie (N2 - Killed)
abraker - Mafia Tracker (D3 - Lynched)

Last edited by tupsu (2018-07-23 20:22:38)



^ #2 2018-06-14 21:17:44

From: Finland
Registered: 2016-05-10
Posts: 62

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

aye, I'll play


^ #3 2018-06-14 21:24:04

From: irc://
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 1,537

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]




^ #4 2018-06-14 22:19:27

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

oh boy how wrong will I be in this one
can't wait to find out



^ #5 2018-06-14 22:47:24

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

can't hurt to try




^ #6 2018-06-15 08:29:30

Backend Oni
From: #tuuba
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 621

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

Hello, I'm in.


^ #7 2018-06-16 14:20:30

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

I'd like at least 8 minimum for the game, so there's at least two more places available. more can always be accommodated for.



^ #8 2018-07-07 18:25:12

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

One eternity later . . .



^ #9 2018-07-07 18:27:44

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

I've screamed at everyone I know
abraker you know osuforums people who play mafia go harass them



^ #10 2018-07-09 06:32:57

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

Actually osuforums mafia is dead too
I am in the last game and it has been on hold for 10 months now



^ #11 2018-07-09 12:27:58

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

yeah so tell everyone still interestedto jump ship to here, we have a near full group ready and roaring to go



^ #12 2018-07-09 18:32:28

Hades Izanami
Supreme Senpai
From: Over here
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 2,433

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

I guess I'll join.


^ #13 2018-07-15 21:28:13

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

fuck it, clearly we're not getting player number eight. game will start tomorrow (today, Monday, July 16) at 1800 tuuba time if I can get in touch to confirm with all players that they're ready to start. flavour and setup details will arrive beforehand.



^ #14 2018-07-15 22:31:29

Backend Oni
From: #tuuba
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 621

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]



^ #15 2018-07-16 08:30:24

From: irc://
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 1,537

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]




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