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ippe should just make a 'select 5' poll
He eventually will.
A lot of people i know still use skype, and discord feels more like a group chat program than a 1on1 chat program. To me they have different uses.
despite being a social media whore I don't see why anyone here would want to share their instagram/facebook account, so I'd go for steam and skype.
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023
A lot of people i know still use skype, and discord feels more like a group chat program than a 1on1 chat program. To me they have different uses.
Why not both? Just post what you use and let the poll run instead of comparing one to another. So far we have Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Instagram, Discord, Facebook, MyAnimeList and MyFigureCollection.
Steam is already on the list so we will make a poll for the other four.
discord is like mumble/teamspeak but instead of money you pay with privacy and your soul
Implying all of your internet traffic isn't being stored and datamined regardless. If the program itself doesn't do it, a 3rd party will.
discord still has the most utterly disgusting ToS and PP of any software i have ever come across, it's actually sickening.
i also at one point looked up who their third party information processing company is and they're situated in israel. the memes never lie.
What is wrong with that and why does your opinion towards a chat program matter I still don't get it. Do we have to use/like all 5 of them? Some of us use YouTube to communicate, some of us use Skype and some use other. We gotta choose 5 things equally so that everyone could use at least 1 or 2 of them. I don't even use Discord that much, but I've seen many people from here get online on Discord very often that's why I suggested it. I don't use Skype either (and it is horrible in my book), but I wouldn't mind if it gets added because people here use Skype a lot.
when did i say my opinion matters more than yours? you asked what's wrong with discord.
it doesn't of course change my genuine disgust whenever discord is mentioned that i could but won't go on a tangent about
As if skype is any better with the privacy. They even open the links you post. At least discord isnt bloated as fuck with shit performance and cpu/ram hogging.
Life is like a box of chocolates.
We'll just implement the 4 most popular ones at a later date™
What the hell is 'MyFigureCollection'?
A suggestion from the oni god
As if skype is any better with the privacy. They even open the links you post. At least discord isnt bloated as fuck with shit performance and cpu/ram hogging.
nobody ever said they like skype