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For the remainder of the week, everyone must end their posts with Happy Birthday! with a Big (but not Very Big) size font, and it must be bolded and italicized. Use of silly images is encouraged but not required. Failure to comply will result in powerful autism.
You can't tell me what to do dad I've already perfected this thing
edit:please don't mess with the tradition ippe I saw you take out the 000080
Happy Birthday!
Last edited by InsectProxy (2016-10-19 12:57:31)
That was clever as fuck Moskito
Happy Birthday!
Last edited by UnderminE (2016-10-19 13:22:16)
edit:please don't mess with the tradition ippe I saw you take out the 000080
You don't have an special exempts from the arbitrary RUURUS that brian came up with on the spot.
Happy Birthday!
So excited for the bday party
Happy Birthday!
I will start streaming a bit of 100% Orange Juice with some bros to celebrate.
Happy Birthday!
EDIT: or worms armageddon because we are not getting the people
Last edited by Mara (2016-10-19 17:19:35)
Happy Birthday!
Last edited by Brian OA (2016-10-19 21:44:42)
You know what, fuck it
I'm declaring Tuuba Birthday Week Event to cover up the fact that doing shit on the weekdays sucks ass for everyone. Thus, from today, October 19th, until October 26th we shall celebrate Tuuba's first anniversary.
The drawstream will be held October 20th at 8:00 PM GMT, or 2:00 PM Central Time. (
For the remainder of the week, everyone must end their posts with Happy Birthday! with a Big (but not Very Big) size font, and it must be bolded and italicized. Use of silly images is encouraged but not required. Failure to comply will result in powerful autism.
Happy Birthday!
Let's have a round of Cards against Humanity before the start of the stream then?
8pm GMT is 11pm for Finland iirc (and 10 pm for NL).
So a round or two of CaH at 6pm GMT sounds reasonable to me. Then a wee lil' break and then the grand finale of Brian being our drawing bitch. I'm already going to request you to draw cake. Just saying.
Happy Birthday!
Last edited by GladiOol (2016-10-19 23:18:07)
"This miserable mode
Maintain the melancholy souls of those
Who lived withouten infamy or praise."
Failure to comply will result in powerful autism.
dats me
Happy Birthday!
Let's have a round of Cards against Humanity before the start of the stream then?
8pm GMT is 11pm for Finland iirc (and 10 pm for NL).
So a round or two of CaH at 6pm GMT sounds reasonable to me. Then a wee lil' break and then the grand finale of Brian being our drawing bitch. I'm already going to request you to draw cake. Just saying.
Happy Birthday!
brian if you don't draw me a bunny you're fucking dead i swear in me mum
also, the times sound reasonable to me
Happy Birthday!
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023