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Rejoice, knights, for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is free on Steam just for today, grab it while you can!
gonna need a fate mod for this
Rejoice, knights, for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is free on Steam just for today, grab it while you can!
Exploits and Glitches : The Video Game
I'm one step closer to work as a sennnseei
I'm one step closer to work as a sennnseei
You accepted erdogan as your one true leader?
Maybe because of the absence of some popular figures, such as Aurelianus and stuff.
UnderminE wrote:I'm one step closer to work as a sennnseei
You accepted erdogan as your one true leader?
nah, got called for the government interview. If it goes well they will throw me to a random city and I will have to work there for the next 8 years. Quite an M I am
You would make a Hot sensei, good luck.
God bless miney. Only teacher I'd bang.
Meet me after school bby
I had a shitty 3 day trip and now I'm just depressed
16:02:42 Plakkis| You're beyond help sorry
"When you're hungry, eat potato, not ass" t. Jonne 2023