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^ #121 2018-08-01 18:08:40

Backend Oni
From: #tuuba
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 621

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

Oh man.

Vote: abraker


^ #122 2018-08-01 18:39:45

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

idk what to do

zertap why are you not scum?



^ #123 2018-08-01 19:33:40

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

Now that I've seen IppE die in a horrible, horrible way, I can rest easy voting for abra.

Vote: Abraker




^ #124 2018-08-01 21:04:57

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]


Lots are drawn and a gunshot spooks some nearby birds. When checking through abraker's pockets, you find an odd device that appears to have motion detection features, as well as a manifesto on cyborg supremacy. Case closed.

abraker - Mafia Tracker (D3 - Lynched)

Town Victory

Surviving players:
Aurelianus Augustus - Townie Doctor
zertap - Vanilla Townie

Mafia chat
Dead chat

GM comments as soon as I can be bothered.



^ #125 2018-08-01 21:33:12

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

actually nevermind, I'm annoyed enough to do it now.

I'm a bit sad that we didn't see any cool tracker plays, but it was definitely understandable at that point - playing at such a disadvantage, 1 against 4, you really can't afford to collect info. it very nearly worked out and was only foiled by IppE having an extremely on point decision on who to investigate. I'll also be honest, I expected game to end in day 2 - come on, a fucking uncontested cop claim and investigation, and no VT willing to claim a different PR? really? this is why my day end message was complete shit, I was in a field with my phone listening to a concert.

good player award/mark goes to fittan - he's been doing very good reads and plays in this game and a few past games, exemplifying how a VT should be playing. that comes with the unfortunate cost of dying early in the game because an active and loud VT is terrifying for mafia, but it's a cost he accounts for.
I also want to point out abraker's good scumplay that nearly got him the victory, but let's be honest, town helped out with that a lot.

I'm not going to call out one specific bad player because it's a newbie game and kind of expected, but I do want to make things very clear about two aspects:

1) if you sign up, play the god damn game. the first lynch of the game was partly inadequate playing/defence but partly also a lack of activity from the player, making them a comfortable lynch for the rest of the game. contribute something or you'll be cut as dead weight, which is particularly true when you're anti-town.

2) vendettas have no place in mafia, whether related to mafia or just you thinking the other person is a penis face. a certain someone being insistent on holding on to a D1 meaningless vote grudge put the town into 'lynch or lose' mode - a mislynch or nolynch would have cost town the game. unless it's part of your anti-town masterplan, keep it to your fucking self. don't ruin the game for others just because it makes you feel like a cool guy who managed to get the last word.



^ #126 2018-08-01 21:48:10

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

I wanted to write an entire wall answering your comments there, but this will more than suffice: it's a roleplaying game, and while the overall victory for your faction should be your first priority, it is by no means the sole way to play the game. I did not, at any point, endanger the game for my faction, as I was completely convinced IppE was the bad guy on day one, and on day 2 the game was already won, so I got to have my own fun.
No need to be pissy because I sent your boyfriend to the nether. That's no way for a GM to behave.




^ #127 2018-08-01 21:59:54

From: Finland
Registered: 2016-05-10
Posts: 62

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

am I allowed to post now?

The unfortunate day/night 1 made the game just flat out unwinnable for mafia. the other two days were just going through the motions.


^ #128 2018-08-01 23:42:30

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

During first night my greatest fear was that I would be investigated by the cop. That leads to inevitable town victory and nothing I can say or do will change it otherwise unless some townie wants to sabotage. I figured the odds of that were pretty low, so I removed fittan and decided to use his read on A.A and Hades to my advantage. As soon as Ippe posted the cop roleclaim along with investigation, it was over. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how the game is going to go from then on, so I posted how town will achieve victory. At that point I was a sitting duck, and the only other thing I could do is stall the game as long as I could because I had no other end goal. I chose to kill lefafel over any other player because I figured he was the one less likely to be protected by A.A.

Imo tupsu's decision to change my special ability to tracker kinda doomed me. At least with a roleblock I could have used it on someone in an attempt to hide from a cop, but tracking would not help me in any way with how this played out.



^ #129 2018-08-02 01:17:39

Aurelianus Augustus
Restitutor Orbis
From: Provincia Pannonia Secunda
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 1,786

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

Since there were so few of us, the game would technically be the best if it was full of wild, non-standard roles to spice it up. The reason I said technically is because this was a newbie-friendly mafia so people like me could get into it.

Fun fact, at the very start of D2 I chose to heal you, before IppE posted his log. So yeah, you chose correctly to target Lefa.




^ #130 2018-08-02 10:39:13

Backend Oni
From: #tuuba
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 621

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

I'm somewhat confused on fittan's reads on me in the dead chat


^ #131 2018-08-02 12:57:04

From: irc://
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 1,537

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

zertap wrote:

I'm somewhat confused on fittan's reads on me in the dead chat

I missed IppE proclaiming that abraker came out as anti-town, lol.

the read on you was more of a result of your lack of actual activity in the game. most of what you did was wait for everyone else to do something that you could react on, which will always be scummy to me. no town player should ever wait idly for other people to conduct research while not doing anything at all themselves. click links i posted and consider the events that happened before that post. i feel like the point where i absolutely felt like you were scum, you had contributed nothing but joined a bandwagon which you then very clearly jumped off of, coincidentally scum was being voted to be lynched at the time which only was valuable after the discovery that they were scum.



^ #132 2018-08-02 13:44:07

Sales Manager
Registered: 2016-05-19
Posts: 1,326

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

abraker wrote:

Imo tupsu's decision to change my special ability to tracker kinda doomed me. At least with a roleblock I could have used it on someone in an attempt to hide from a cop, but tracking would not help me in any way with how this played out.

the tracker decision came from two points - you really had fuck all to roleblock (and considering I was GMing by plain mafiascum rules you blocking cop would've read as 'no result' as opposed to 'town', which could throw up a red flag regardless), and I figured tracker might help at least a little with deciding who to target or push towards lynch. I think stretching game out and not killing anyone could've helped both from meta aspect of making people drop the game/become inactive, but IppE managed to fuck it up very well for you with his semi-accidental read. fwiw I made the role change decision right at the end of day and had no idea who people would be targetting - if I'd known otherwise at that point I might've changed the decision.

as for choosing to kill Lefa, I'm surprised about your reasoning as he was aligning himself closest to Gil, and the role was standard (no self-target) so you could've just killed Aurani himself to ensure he can't interfere in future nightkills.

and yes, PRs for everybody would be cool and all but it requires a heck of a lot more activity to pull off properly, TM4 managed it just about with that but TM3 suffered badly even with a more sensible amount of PRs (though that was more of a case of one single person going inactive, getting killed as a result and ending up being the one big gamechanging role for town)
tldr activity please thanks



^ #133 2018-08-02 22:31:08

Mad Scientist
From: Experimentation Site
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 592

Re: Cyberpunk Mafia [Town Win]

tupsu wrote:

you blocking cop would've read as 'no result' as opposed to 'town', which could throw up a red flag regardless

That would just let the cop know that the action got role blocked. It says nothing about the player they investigated. When you know mafia has a role blocker, that is expected. Not sure what the red flags are, but a lucky pick for the mafia and an unfortunate result for the cop.

tupsu wrote:

so you could've just killed Aurani himself to ensure he can't interfere in future nightkills.

But the thing is that there would be no more future nightkills. It was my last night action before my certain death.



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